Well. I finally had enough of it.
The reporting wasn't too bad. Maybe a bit of a bias on some things. But it was tolerable.
But the comments sections for each story? Well thats just a place where anything may happen. It seems like a great idea. Giving a group of people a national forum for each of them to have their say and express their opinion on currents events could be very worthwhile. Could be. One would think that public participation would enhance the experience. That the interaction may have a positive effect on the greater good.
But not on CBC.ca. What a place. I don't think I've seen one story that I didn't look at the comments area and become either agitated with comments or disgusted with people. And usually my anguish and distaste was from a comment that someone posted because of their anguish or distaste at another persons comment. And the comments would sometimes go on and on, and back and forth, and continue in a repetative cycle that just sucked in more people to comment. It's a very negative world. A very negative MODERATED world.
Of course there are the more civil souls who pass some very insightful, considerate, and heartfelt comments. But these are quickly lost in the myriad of overwhelmingly thoughless and selfish criticisms that are passed by majority of users there.
So I've had enough. It's off my blog and off my website. Never to return. CTV here I come. I'll read and watch your news - devoid of the vicarious analytical judgements and usual crap of the people who frequent what is, CBC.ca.
Ted K. (aka "CircumspectObs" on CBC.ca)