Friday, December 28, 2007

Egypt ponders bill to copyright the pyramids

I guess if you get royalties from everything, then it makes you similar to THE MUSIC INDUSTRY. What a bad influence. This has got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of since the state of Kentucky copyrighted "Kentucky". There. I used it. Sue me! I have nothing. What the hell is the world coming to.

CBC News link here

Friday, December 14, 2007

WestJet allows stranger to walk five-year-old girl off flight

What kind of IDIOTS let their 5 year old daughter fly across the continent BY HERSELF !!!! Sue WestJet? Yes! For allowing this to happen at all !!! And then charge the parents for abandonment / neglect !!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Another Federal Election? Why?

Stephan Dion wants Canadians to go to the polls again. Dummy.

"I'm told that your best day in the Opposition is not as good as your
worst day in the government," he quipped in a CBC News report.
I think you've been mislead, Steph. More like, your job is what you
make it. It helps if you can do the job at all.

"The ones who succeed - and I intend to be one of them - have
never had a free lunch, never."
What about your free ride to Liberal Leadership? You don't think
you actually won that do you? I think they just needed somebody to
"act" as leader and take all the heat and criticism after those
tumultuous years of being a corrupt political party who has never
really had to answer for what they did.

After only two years in office, with the economy booming and
unemployment near record lows, Dion said the Tories should be above
40 per cent in the polls. They aren't enjoying a honeymoon, he
contended, because Canadians simply don't trust them.
Nope, wrong again. It just proves that beer swilling, pot smoking,
hockey watching "sheep" don't pay any attention to Federal politics.
And that's just the way you like it.